

Bumper Scuffs

Whether someone has reversed into you or that bollard came at you at “a funny angle” you want it fixed, no problem! We use only profession products taking advantage of cutting edge technology.



Key scratches and scrapes can ruin the look of your pride and joy, and also help that buyer negotiate you down on sale price. We can match your colours through our mixing process, and have it looking like nothing ever happened.


Minor Accident Damage

We are able to replace panels or parts that are beyond repair and realign body panels as well as remove larger dents using the latest in panel repair equipment.



Interior Repairs

As a lot of cars are used as work horses, interior can easily get damaged. Plastic trim scratched and scuffed? Steering wheel worn out or damaged from sharp rings or hand cream? Torn or worn out leather and fabric seats? We can offer repairs for all such scenarios.


Alloy Wheel Repairs

No longer a needless luxury alloy wheels are everywhere now, but just because they’re not a luxury doesn’t mean you want them scuffed and kerbed. Bring the to us and get them looking their best.



No matter how much you look after your car others aren’t so careful. Removal of small annoying car park dents using the PDR (paintless dent removal) method, allows us to repair the dent quickly without materials which keeps the cost to a minimum.